45-year Reunion...
Hello classmates!!!
As most have
figured out, we did not plan a full-blown 45th Class of ‘75
Reunion. But WAIT..!
We’re thrilled to hear several are wanting to have some planned
or impromptu gatherings, and we’d love to announce the first one
of these events!
Julee White has graciously offered to
host an event for the Kimball Class of 1975 at her place this
September in the hill country, Fredericksburg/Kerrville area!
See info below.
PLEASE reach out to her and let her
know if you are interested in attending!
And anyone else
wanting to host, plan, or just name a place and come if you can
gathering, please let us know so we can post it on our website!
As always, the more the merrier!
Also, we will be having
the BIG 50th Reunion in just 5 short years!
So shoot an
email to: jfkimball1975@hotmail.com with your name in the
subject line so we can keep you in the loop for future
and the BIG 50th Reunion!!
Let’s keep in
Your Reunion Committee
Please help us by
registering on this website.
That will provide us with your
email and mailing address so we can update you with
the latest reunion information.
Help us locate "lost"
classmates by asking them to
register on this website.